Friday, April 20, 2018

My paranormal life, #1 Entry, Dream Journal Entries #1

Hello guys, and welcome to my first entry on this blog. This will be a place where I can just write some thoughts down, talk about things that might not make it into my videos, and I'm also going to be writing some of my dreams on here. Basically it's just a journal for me to write about my adventure as an enthusiast and investigator of the unknown. 👻👽👹

For anyone who doesn't know me very well, my name is Alex Bobulinski. I am a paranormal investigator from Birmingham, Alabama with a slight obsession with spirits, cryptids, extraterrestrials, urban exploring, historic locations, and "creepy" dolls. I have investigated at some amazing locations including: Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Waverly Hills Sanatorium, Old South Pittsburg Hospital, Hales Bar Dam, and many more. This is what I love, this is my passion, and the experiences I've had so far have been life changing.

Here are a couple dreams from my journal that have a sort of paranormal influence on them:
"Last night in one of my dreams I realized one of my spirit boxes turned itself on, and actually started scanning on its own(for this to happen in real life, something/someone would of had to press it). Immediately a response came through the box twice. "Seven," both times, which if you follow my videos you know that this is an entity I have been dealing with and studying recently."

"Several nights before I had a dream about Memorial Mound, which is an abandoned underground funeral home in Bessemer, Alabama. In the dream I finally got inside the usually-chained building, and I was exploring the innards of the cave-crypt. It was very dark. Somehow not even my lights would work in the darkness, and I was just walking along with very low visibility. Then I started hearing children's laughter coming from somewhere. I started making my way back to the front door(which is the only way in or out, I should add) to see if there were kids outside the building. As I approached the front door, it slammed shut and I was trapped inside. Then I woke up."

While on the subject of dreams, here is a video interview of my friend telling me about his nightmare/sleep paralysis experiences:

1 comment:

  1. You are playing with forces you can not fathom. You are scrying all wrong and leaving your self open. Where is your protection circle. Read the keys of Solomon books and you might have a slight idea but you have no clue atm. So stop or they will come for you....
